Ontario Mennonite History (Periodical)

Issues of the MHSO publications Bulletin (1966-1973), Mennogesprach (1983-1992) and Ontario Mennonite History (1993- ) are searchable. If you want to recieve the most recent issues of Ontario Mennonite History, become a Society member.


Search Tips

  1. Use Boolean logic by linking search terms with AND, OR or NOT.
  2. Examples:
    Amish AND education
    education OR school
  3. Use quotation marks to search using phrases.
    "Old Order Mennonite"
    "Mennonite Brethren in Christ" OR "Missionary church"
  4. Combine Boolean elements for more complex searches.
    Amish AND (education OR school)
    ("Mennonite Brethren in Christ" OR "Missionary church") AND education

Copyright Notice

© Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario
This publication is provided solely for the purpose of research, private study, criticism or review. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any form without the permission of the Society. Limited print quantities may be available; contact the Society for further information. Permission is granted to include URL references to this information for noncommercial purposes, provided that proper attribution is given.

Ontario Mennonite History (Periodical)